Dominican Republic Cigars
The Dominican Republic is renowned for its mild, smooth drawing cigars. They make the perfect cigar for any smoker. Currently the largest exporter of cigars to the USA, the Dominican Republic is home to some of the largest tobacco companies in the world.
The Dominican Republic has two main growing regions, the real valley near to the capital Santiago and the Cibao River Valley.
The Dominican Republic makes so many cigars that it still imports leaf from many countries. Wrapper leaf from Connecticut and Cameroon; filler and binder leaf from Nicaragua and Cameroon. So many Dominican cigars are blends of tobacco from many different countries. This has the great advantage of allowing for huge variations in strength and flavour. Such Dominican cigars like the EP Carrillo Encore Majestic Cigar won 2018’s Top Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado.
It is no coincidence that when Dunhill switched production from Cuba they chose The Dominican Republic!
When you buy a cigar from The Cigar Club you are buying into over 50 years of trading experience. Everything we dispatch is checked for quality.