
At The Cigar Club, we pride ourselves on offering anything and everything that the cigar lover could want. If you’re a Connoisseur who wants the finest cigars available in the world today or a new cigar lover just starting out on a journey of discovery; we are here to help and advise. Our cigars are sourced from around the world: from Cuba to Nicaragua and The Dominican Republic on to the best quality Machine Made Cigars. We like to think that our ranges are unsurpassed.

We also stock an extensive range of Limited Edition Cigars and UK Regional Edition Cigars. These are only ever available in tiny quantities

When you buy a cigar from The Cigar Club you are buying into over 50 years of trading experience. Everything we dispatch is checked for quality. All our Havana cigars bear the EMS (English Market Selection) Stamp of excellence. This guarantees both provenance and quality.

Machine Made Cigars

box of villiger export pressed cigars

Our short filler cigars are expertly crafted using chopped leaf pieces, machine bunched, and machine finished. Discover a world of machine made cigars sourced from diverse tobacco regions such as Cuba, Sumatra, Cameroon, Brazil, and Sri Lanka.