Our Range of Authentic Cuban Cigars
Havana Cigars: A History of Quality
When it comes to the origin and history of Cuban Cigars, they have long been perceived to be the best of the best. While there are many high quality handmade cigars from around the world, nothing ever quite beats a lovingly constructed Cuban Havana cigar. Each one is made in a manner largely unchanged for over two hundred years, this experience, coupled with the unique mix of sun, sea, and soil, makes the Caribbean island of Cuba the perfect location to create the finest examples of the cigar rollers art.
There are currently twenty-seven brands and over two hundred and twenty different size options available to the Cigar lover. All our cigars carry the EMS Certificate of Authenticity.
What is EMS? It stands for English Market selection and was first introduced over one hundred years ago to identify cigars specifically selected for the UK market. In 1993, the ‘stamp’ was introduced. This confirms that the cigars have been additionally checked in the UK and that all relevant taxes and duties have been paid. It is your guarantee of quality and authenticity. Explore our blog on a guide to buying Cuban Cigars in the UK for further information on this.
Taste Profile of Cuban Cigars
Cuban cigars boast an extensive selection of vitolas and strengths, ensuring there is a perfect match for every cigar enthusiast to savour and explore. The tobacco leaves employed in crafting Cuban cigars undergo a meticulous fermentation process, and are aged for months, if not years. This yields exceptional results, as Cuban cigars develop a mellower and more sophisticated flavour profile over time, providing a truly enjoyable smoking experience.
Be it a full flavoured Partagas, a smooth and creamy Cohiba or a best-selling Montecristo, The Cigar Club has the Cuban cigar for you. From the iconic Romeo y Julieta cigar to the Hoyo de Monterrey, we stock every size and variety that is imported into the UK. If you are an expert then we have what you are looking for, if you are new to cigars then we are happy to offer advice by email or telephone.
When you buy a Cuban cigar from The Cigar Club you are buying into over 50 years of trading experience. Everything we dispatch is checked for quality. All our Cuban cigars bear the EMS (English Market Selection) Stamp of excellence. This guarantees both provenance and quality.
UK Regional Edition Cigars (7)
Limited Edition Cigars (36)
Cohiba Cigars (31)
Montecristo Cigars (43)
Hoyo De Monterrey Cigars (14)
Partagas Cigars (22)
Flor De Cano (1)
Guantanamera Cigars (3)
H. Upmann Cigars (15)
Romeo Y Julieta Cigars (32)
Bolivar Cigars (7)
Vegueras (3)
Jose L. Piedra Cuban Cigars (7)
Punch Cigars (8)
Ramon Allones Cigars (8)
Juan Lopez Cigars (3)
Por Larranaga Cigars (5)
El Rey Del Mundo Cigars (1)
Quintero (2)
Quai D’Orsay Cigars (5)
Rafael Gonzalez Cigars (3)
Fonseca Cigars (3)
San Cristobal de la Habana Cigars (4)
Sancho Panza Cigars (3)
Trinidad Cigars (9)
Vegas Robaina Cigars (4)
Cuaba Cigars (4)
Diplomaticos Cigars (1)