Nub Cigar Sampler
Nub Cigar Sampler Details
Considered one of the most innovative cigar concepts, Nub is a line of short, stout and well-filled smokes blended to capture the perfect essence of a cigar.
These cigars are hand made with densely packed long filler tobacco, allowing each stick to burn slowly while maintaining a smoking time comparable to conventional sizes ranging from robusto to presidente.
They last over an hour.
The Nub Cigar Sampler includes 8 cigars,
one of each the following:
1 x Connecticut Torpedo 464
1 x Connecticut 358
1 x Cameroon Box Press Torpedo 466
1 x Cameroon Torpedo 464
1 x Sungrown Torpedo 464
1 x Sungrown 460
1 x Maduro Torpedo 464
1 x Maduro 460
Nub Cigar Sampler
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