Padron 1926 No.2 Robusto Natural Cigar
Padron 1926 No.2 Robusto Natural Cigar Details
Length: 5″ 1/2 (140 mm)
Ring Gauge: 52
Packaging: Box of 24
The rarest cigar made by Padron, the Anniversary 1926, a richly mellow yet utterably memorable cigar that is made with specially aged and selected tobaccos from Nicaragua.
The blend is fuller bodied than its predecessors and has a full spicy flavour to entice the palate.
The tobaccos have been aged for a full 5 years.
Padron 1926 No.2 Robusto Natural Cigar.
Nicaragua provides cigars suitable for all tastes and budgets. Padron Cigars are perceived by many connoisseurs to be the match of anything that Cuba’s finest can create.
When you buy a cigar from The Cigar Club you are buying into over 50 years of trading experience. Everything we dispatch is checked for quality.