New World Cigars – The Best Non Cuban Cigars

Smoking a cigar is one of the greatest pleasures in life, and today there couldn’t be more flavour options to choose from. While the traditional Cuban cigar has long been every cigar enthusiast’s favourite, offering earthiness, richness and a unique spiciness, new world cigars have gained popularity for diverse blends, fermentation techniques and ageing processes. Produced throughout central America, new world cigars offer aficionados a huge range of flavours to enjoy.

But why should you give some of these cigars a try over the more renowned Cuban brands? Find out more below.

What are new world cigars

New world cigars refer to premium cigars produced outside of the traditional cigar-producing regions of Cuba, specifically in the Americas, such as Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico and others. The term new world” distinguishes these cigars from their Cuban counterparts, which are often referred to as “old world” or “old world-style.”

The history of new world cigars is intertwined with the post-Cuban embargo era, which began in the early 1960s. As a response to the political climate and the nationalisation of the Cuban cigar industry, many Cuban cigar makers migrated to other countries in the Americas, bringing their expertise and traditions with them. This diaspora led to the establishment of new cigar industries in countries like the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.

Over the years, new world cigars have gained immense popularity and recognition for their quality, craftsmanship, and diverse flavour profiles. In fact, cigar makers in these regions have embraced innovation, experimenting with different tobacco blends, fermentation techniques, and ageing processes to create unique and distinctive cigars.

Nicaragua, in particular, has emerged as a powerhouse in the new world cigar industry, with its volcanic soil producing tobacco known for its robust flavours. The Dominican Republic is also renowned for its smooth and well-balanced cigars, while Honduras contributes with cigars recognised for their strength and complexity.

Today, new world cigars symbolise the resilience and adaptability of the cigar industry beyond the borders of Cuba, showcasing the rich diversity and craftsmanship of premium cigars produced in the Americas. These cigars have become an integral part of the global cigar landscape, offering enthusiasts a wide array of choices and experiences.

Difference between Cuban Cigars?

Cuban cigars and new world cigars are considerably different from one another. Despite this, both have their unique appeal, and one’s preference often hinges on individual taste, accessibility, and the allure of experiencing the distinct characteristics offered by each region.


  • Cuban: Originating exclusively from Cuba, Cuban cigars are renowned for their historical significance and traditional craftsmanship. Thanks to the country’s unique climate, soil, and tobacco varieties, these cigars have a distinct flavour profile.
  • New world: Produced outside of Cuba, new world cigars come from regions such as Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras and others. Each region imparts its own terroir to the tobacco, resulting in diverse and innovative flavour experiences.


  • Cuban: Cuba primarily cultivates Criollo and Corojo tobacco varieties. As well as this, the island’s specific conditions create a flavour profile often characterised by earthiness, richness and a unique spiciness.
  • New world: Different regions in the new world experiment with various tobacco strains, offering a broader spectrum of flavours. For example, Nicaraguan cigars are known for their robust and peppery notes, while Dominican cigars provide smoothness and complexity.

Blending and craftsmanship:

  • Cuban: Traditional Cuban craftsmanship involves a meticulous process, with cigars typically rolled by highly skilled torcedores. Cuban cigar makers adhere to age-old techniques and traditions, emphasising the art of hand-rolling.
  • New world: Cigar makers in new world regions combine traditional methods with innovative approaches. They experiment with diverse blends, fermentation techniques, and ageing processes, offering a huge wide range of flavour profiles and styles.


  • Cuban: Due to trade restrictions and embargoes, Cuban cigars are often limited in availability globally, especially in the US.
  • New world: Readily available in various markets, new world cigars offer enthusiasts a broader accessibility, making them a popular choice for cigar aficionados worldwide.

Examples of Popular New World Cigars 

Over the years, new world cigars have gained popularity for their unique flavour profiles and exceptional cigar artistry. Some of the most popular new world cigars available today include:

Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series (Nicaragua): Hailing from Nicaragua, this series is revered for its exceptional construction, aged tobacco, and flavour profile that often includes notes of cocoa, coffee and spice.

Arturo Fuente OpusX (Dominican Republic): Known as one of the Dominican Republic’s finest, the OpusX is celebrated for its bold and complex flavours, often featuring a combination of earthy, peppery and sweet notes.

A.J. Fernandez New World Navegante Robusto (Nicaragua): Offering a medium to full-bodied sensation, this box-pressed cigar unfolds delightful essences of espresso, cocoa and pepper. Together, these elements harmonise to offer a robust and earthy smoking experience.

Rocky Patel Vintage Series (Various Origins): Rocky Patel’s Vintage Series, sourced from different countries, delivers well-aged tobaccos with a focus on smoothness and complexity, appealing to a broad range of palates.



Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or just beginning your cigar adventure, Cigar Club has the perfect selection of new world cigars for you. Find out more today and redefine your cigar experience.