Joya De Nicaragua
Joya De Nicaragua is now over 50 years old and is Nicaragua’s oldest established cigar Company. Located in the heart of Estelí, this family owned company is at the forefront of 21st century cigar rolling. Owned and run under the benevolent tutelage of the Cuenca family, these cigars never fail to succeed.
I had the great pleasure of visiting this factory relatively recently. The attention to detail and the sheer passion for cigar making ensure that every cigar is as good as the last.
Their comprehensive range offers huge nuances of flavour and strength.
Joya De Nicaragua Red– A smooth flavoured, mild cigar ideal for everyday enjoyment.
Joya De Nicaragua Black-Sweet, creamy and full of flavour. A complex, enjoyable smoke
Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco– beautifully presented and an enjoyably ‘medium’ experience.
Joya De Nicaragua Cabinetta– A unique ‘two-tone’ cigar! The wrapper is a unique combination of a dark Nicaraguan Crillo wrapper and a light Ecuadorian shade wrapper.
Joya de Nicaragua Antano– Antaño, in Spanish translates to “yesteryear”, a word that expresses the soul of the Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970. They crafted this cigar as a tribute to the power and essence of the “Puro” that helped build their legendary brand.
If you are an expert then we have what you are looking for, if you are new to cigars then we are happy to offer advice by email or telephone.
When you buy a cigar from The Cigar Club you are buying into over 50 years of trading experience. Everything we dispatch is checked for quality.
Joya De Nicaragua Antano (3)
Joya de nicaragua Cinco de Cinco (3)
Joya De Nicaragua Flor De Nicaragua (2)
Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno (3)
Joya Numero Uno (1)
Joya De Nicaragua Cabinetta (6)
Joya De Nicaragua Clasico (5)
Joya De Nicaragua Red (7)
Joya De Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco (9)