UK Regional Edition Cigars
The Cigar Club are pleased to offer a comprehensive range of UK Regional Edition Cigars from Cuba. Back in 2005, cigar importers from around the world were granted the chance to establish a truly unique size that would also help develop some of the less well known Havana cigar brands. In the UK, Hunters & Frankau Ltd have this responsibility, with over 250 years’ experience in the cigar trade we always look forward to their selections.
What creates a ‘Regional Edition’ Cigar? A Limited run of a non-standard size in a particular brand; only available in limited quantities in numbered boxes and to be only available in one country. The Cuban cigar regional editions are clearly identified by an additional red and white cigar band. This carries the message- ‘ Exclusivo Gran Bretana’.
First introduced in 2006 these cigars have been a runaway success. They have proved to be both a pleasure for the cigar connoisseur and a canny investment for the more discerning customer.
When you buy a cigar from The Cigar Club you are buying into over 50 years of trading experience. Everything we dispatch is checked for quality. All our Havana cigars bear the EMS (English Market Selection) Stamp of excellence. This guarantees both provenance and quality.
Looking for Cuban cigars in the UK? Cigar Club offers the best authentic Cuban cigars for sale. We won’t be beaten on price. We will match any lower price found with any UK retailer. Call 01923 770066 for more information
Showing all 7 results
Por Larranaga 47 Cigar-UK Regional Edition
£80.00 – £3,250.00Buy nowThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page- Out of stock
Ramon Allones Private Stock 230 Cigar. UK Regional Edition 2020
£150.00 – £2,950.00Learn moreThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page - Out of stock
Trinidad Cabildos Premier Pack of 5 Cigars
£850.00Learn more - Out of stock
El Rey del Mundo La Reina UK Regional Edition 2018 Cigar-Free shipping
£95.00Learn moreThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page - Out of stock
Punch Medalla De Oro Cigar – 2012 UK Regional Edition:
£42.50 – £355.00Learn moreThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page - Out of stock
Por Larranaga Sobresalientes Cigar (UK Regional Edition 2014)
£50.00Learn more - Out of stock
Ramon Allones Petit Belicosos UK Regional Edition 2012
£40.00 – £395.00Learn moreThis product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page